8 Activities, 10 Credits

CME credits, as listed, will be granted after a unit test is completed.  CME are $10 per credit or $89.00 for all 10 credits.

Please enter your name and address. Answer all questions under each of the CME activities you completed. Click "Submit" when you are finished.



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I. Basic Bioethics, CME Test Questions   1.5 Credits

1.  Bioethics deals with the application of moral problem solving approaches to health care moral issues.
True    False   

2. Informed consent is one of the main features in bioethics that almost all bioethicists give a high status.
True    False   

3. A person who does not understand the basic nature of his or her medical problem probably lacks decisional capacity and thereby is incapable of informed consent.
True     False    

4. It is often as morally appropriate to withdraw treatment as it is to determine that it is inappropriate to begin treatment.
True     False    

II. Duty to Treat, CME Test Questions  1 Credit

1. A physician ought not abandon a patient.
True     False    

2. Good Samaritan laws typically hold only when a health care professional does not have a prior duty to treat.
True     False    

3. A physician is legally required to provide the best care he or she is capable of.
True     False    

4. A physician is legally required to provide the best care he or she is capable of.
True     False    

III. Informed Consent, CME Test Questions  1.5 Credit

1. A lawsuit involving informed consent may be based on a battery theory if the consent was obtained through fraud.
True     False    

2. Legally, all conflicts of interest must be disclosed.
True     False    

3. Legal responsibilities are not the only side of informed consent.  There are moral responsibilities as well.
True     False    

4. In a lawsuit based on battery, a plaintiff must show that he or she would not have consented to the procedure had good information been provided.
True     False    

IV. Informed Refusal, CME Test Questions  1.5 Credit

1. Legally speaking, people who lack decisional capacity must be treated because they are not able to refuse treatment.
True     False    

2. Legally speaking, the right to refuse treatment is absolute.
True     False    

3. Although substituted judgments may be made for people without decisional capacity, states are free to demand a very high standard of proof about the nature of a patient's wishes.
True     False    

4. In Washington v. Glucksberg and Vacco v. Quill, the U.S. Supreme Court declared that there is no constitutional right to physician-assisted suicide.
True     False    

V. Transplantation, CME Test Questions  1 Credit

1. The Uniform Anatomical Gift Act requires that hospital officials inquire about organ donation.
True     False    

2. Some courts will permit using a mentally challenged person incapable of informed consent as a donor for a family member in dire need.
True     False    

3. In approving organ donation by a mentally challenged person for a relative's benefit, courts will typically consider the best interests of the potential donor.
True     False    

VI. Confidentiality, CME Test Questions  1 Credit

1. The moral requirement to keep medical information confidential was first stated in the Hippocratic Oath.
True     False    

2. In Tarasoff, psychologists were held accountable for failure to warn a third party about potential risks to her safety.
True     False    

3. All states permit informing sexual partners and needle sharers about a patient's diagnoses of AIDS or HIV.
True     False    

4. The American Medical Association supports the rights of patients to have access to their medical records.
True     False    

VII. Human Reproduction, CME Test Questions  1.5 Credits

1. In some states, wrongful life lawsuits cannot contain claims that because of negligence an abortion was not performed.
True     False    

2. The Casey Court permits a 24-hour waiting period before an abortion is performed.
True     False    

3. Involuntary sterilization is permitted in some states.
True     False    

4. Usually, paid sperm donors are not legally considered a child's parent.
True     False    

VIII. Mental Illness, CME Test Questions  1 Credit

1. Mentally ill patients have exactly the same rights as other patients.
True     False    

2. A mental health patient can be a rational purchaser of health care treatment.
True     False    

3. The standard of care required of a psychotherapist in most states is that of the community of psychotherapists.
True     False